Superheroes in History
Check out how this photographer fits comic book characters into some iconic black-and-white photos from the 20th century.Batman's all business when he briefs a group of allied paratroopers at Greenham Common Airfield in England.
The following photographs come from Agan Harap's "Superhero" series, which consists of superheroes (and supervillains) manipulated into historical settings. The 29-year-old artist's uses Photoshop 7 to take a fresh look into history.The photographs are some in his project 'Superhero Project'.
Spiderman aiding his fellow Americans at D-day.
Hulk with the Afghan resistance fighters returning to a village destroyed by Soviet forces,1986
"You're coming back to Gotham with me to see Harvey Dent"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Why so serious?"
Roosevelt. Churchill. Stalin. Vader. Never has such a collection powerful leaders been assembled in one place.
Starwars in the aid of soldiers