Sunday, March 27, 2011

Top 10 mind games women play

Top 10 mind games women play
Understanding the opposite sex can be a job in itself, and translating the games women play can make the job even tougher. Let's face it -- you don't want to be engaging in psychological warfare with any female.

Well, fear not; below are the top 10 games women play in the dating world, explicitly deciphered just for you.

Number 10
The waiting game

You called her and, although you usually don't do this (or at least you shouldn't), you left a message for her to call you back. Hours or even days may pass before she returns your call. She's biding her time because she doesn't want to look too eager or too interested. Although she's interested in you, she doesn't want to risk chasing you away by appearing clingy.

What you should do: : After a few days, you could call back to make sure she received the message, but after this point, it's up to her to follow up. If she doesn't, take the hint.

Number 9
The bait game

The "I think I look fat in these pants... do you?" scenario is a tricky situation. Asking for your opinion is important to her; she wants to make sure that you find her desirable. But by framing the question as an effort to validate her own opinion, she's baiting you into jamming your foot into your mouth.

What you should do: Don't take the bait. Look alive when this question hits. Don't give a long pause before answering. Of course, tell her she's beautiful and looks wonderful, whether you mean it or you're stretching the truth. If her reply is, "You're just saying that," say, "It doesn't matter what you wear, you will always be beautiful to me." Corny, yes, but you will have avoided a major meltdown.

Number 8
The playing dumb game

This happens when she doesn't want to do something. To get you to take care of it, she'll play the "I don't know how to do that" angle. The task might be programming the TiVo or installing some software. More than likely she knows how to do it, but just doesn't want to.

What you should do: In most of these situations, you could **** it up and do it yourself. But make a habit of it, and she will too. Instead, let her play her game. Do whatever it is that she doesn't want to, but teach her while you're doing it. This way, she'll have no excuses the next time around.

Number 7
The hard to get game

This isn't always just a matter of her trying to present herself as a challenge. Some women will hold back feelings if there is an emotional risk involved. She could be testing the water before she dives in, as she needs to make sure that you're worth the risk.

What you should do: If she's not clear about her feelings for you, but is giving you the "I'm interested" signals, then show her you feel the same way. But don't overdo it, as you still want to remain a challenge. Let her understand that you like her, but that you could also easily look elsewhere if things don't work out.

Number 6
The "we need to talk" game

This game usually begins when you're watching some major sporting event, like the Super Bowl. Once again, she's testing you and trying to see where your priorities are. She needs your attention and she wants it now.

What you should do: It might be wise to hit the mute button for five minutes, listen to her, and then get back to the game. If you tell her to wait until later, you might as well turn off the TV because you've just started a five hour discussion. She'll likely drill you about how you don't care about her and don't discuss your feelings anymore. Take your pick.

Number 5
The trading goods for services game

She'll often take advantage of this game when sex is on the line. She implicitly offers to give you sex in exchange for something she wants you to do. There aren't many women out there who can resist a man who helps around the house, shops for shoes with them or agrees to treat his mother-in-law to dinner.

What you should do: The more you give into her requests, the more attractive you will be to her. So pick up your feather duster, get ready for an afternoon of shopping or prepare to make conversation with your mother in law. The bad side is that you'll be doing something you don't particularly enjoy. The good side, however, is that you'll be getting lucky at the end of the day. Make sure she lives up to her end of the bargain and that she doesn't get used this type of arrangement. You shouldn't always have to "do" something in order for her to agree to have sex with you.

Number 4
The reverse psychology game

This usually occurs when she says the opposite of what she really wants, hoping you will do exactly what she wants you to do. For example, she wants you to do the dishes, but she doesn't come right out and say it. Instead, she says she'll do the dishes, only you later discover that she's mad at you because you didn't help. Confusing, I know.

What you should do: She's just played the reverse psychology game and you've lost -- do not pass go and do not collect $200. Next time, watch her actions as she's doing the dishes (or whatever else she's doing) -- if she's banging things around, then you'd better get in there and help.

Number 3
The mind reading game

This is usually played alongside the reverse psychology game. Fellas, she wants you to read her mind because she thinks that if you really cared, you would know exactly what she wants. Although this is not a logical game, far from it, women still expect you to get them.

What you should do:Before you get out your crystal ball and start foretelling the future, just ask her what she wants, stating you'd love to make her happy. Show her you're listening and don't waste your time trying to guess what she wants. If you play the guessing game, you'll likely get it wrong.

Number 2
The silent treatment game

You know you've done something wrong when she doesn't speak to you and gives you the cold shoulder. The thing is you have no clue why she's so ticked.

What you should do:Don't ask her over and over what the problem is; you'll only make matters worse. The fact is if you don't know what you did, you've just bought some more time in the penalty box. Let her cool off while you try to figure it out. When she's ready to talk, she'll likely approach you, glare at you, make huffing sounds, or throw something at your head. At that point, you can ask her what the problem is, then get on with resolving it.

Number 1
The ultimatum game

This is the big kahuna of all games. It happens when the relationship is on the line. She expects something big. Possibly marriage, moving in together or a ring -- and if you aren't ready to take the step with her, she's willing to move on. This may be a bluff or it may not.

What you should do: If you think she's bluffing, call it. Tell her you won't be bullied. If you think she's serious, you better sit down for a chat. If you aren't ready to take the relationship a step further, then it may be time to cut your losses.