Sunday, May 1, 2011

Google by the numbers

Google by the numbers
Ever imagine how massive Google is – here are some jaw dropping factoids about Google which i am sure you will find interesting.

1. A Googol is 1 followed by 100 zeros, compare this with the amount of electrons in the entire universe is which is estimated to be 1 followed by 79 zeros.
2. In 1996 25 million pages were indexed by Google and by 2010 Google have indexed 40 million pages.
3. Over 1 trillion URLs if typed end to end, this web address would stretch 51 million km (a third of a distance to the sun).
4. If each of Google’s average of 20 million unique pages was to fit on an A4 sheet of paper, it could carpet North America with paper almost 5 sheets thick.
5. If you wanted to display all of Google’s indexed sites on one monitor the screen would have to be 6 million miles from corner to cornet – roughly 241 times length of the equator.
6. There are roughly 100 trillion words on the internet.
7. Gmail’s current storage allowance across all users is equal to 1.74 billion full audio CD.
8. There are 1.5 billion images on Google.
9. If you took one minute to search each page on Google it would take 38026 years to look them all.
10. Google’s operating income equal to the GDP of the Cayman island, Greenland, Dominica, Maldives, Mongolia and Barbados combined.
11. Google founders Sergey Bin and Larry Page’s annual salary is $1 each.
12. Google is second in profitability earned by staff member, only next to Microsoft.
13. You Tube is still suspecting to be running at a loss.
14. The very first Google storage system in 1996 was housed in Lego.
15. Google allows dogs in on site but no cats.
16. Google as a verb was added to the Merriam Webster and Oxford English Dictionary in 2006.
17. Google’s first ever official Twitter post was “I’m feeling lucky” typed out in binary.
18. Google has T-Rex skeleton in its Mountain View gardens.