Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to avoid premature ejaculation?

How to avoid premature ejaculation?
If you are one of the 70% of men who suffer from premature ejaculation, find out how you can last longer in bed by reading the tips in the article below.
These steps provides several proven techniques for stopping premature ejaculation.
1.    Put an end to poor masturbation habits. Bad masturbation habits one of the leading causes of premature ejaculation. If you're one of those guys who goes into the shower and "rubs one out" in a few minutes, you need to put a stop to that bad habit pronto. That bad habit could be preventing you from lasting longer in bed.

2.    Use extra lubrication. Here's a quick tip that can help you last longer tonight. Using extra lubrication will help decrease the sensitivity and the pleasurable sensations. Yeah, it'll still feel good of course, but there won't be as much friction, so it won't be as intense.

3.    Wear a condom. Wearing a condom helps to dampen the sensation enough to help you last longer. There are also some specialty condoms on the market that are specifically made to help stop premature ejaculation.

4.    Focus on your breathing. This works for two reasons: it takes your mind away from any performance concerns, and it physically calms your body, which helps you regain control.

5.    Practice meditation. To take it a step further, you should focus on your breathing in your everyday life. It'll not only help you last longer, it'll improve your overall happiness and well-being. Take a few minutes out of your day to just sit there are breath in and out.

6.    Lower her threshold. The most accurate definition for premature ejaculation is when you are consistently unable to satisfy your lover because you don't last long enough in bed. One way to stop premature ejaculation is to learn to last longer. But another way is to cut down the amount of time it takes her to get off. This is why you should spend a bit more time on foreplay.

7.    Keep your mental arousal in check. If you're looking to stop premature ejaculation, you probably have a tendency to get pretty excited, pretty quickly. And then, before you know it, you've entered "the point of no return," where you literally cannot stop ejaculation from occurring. To hold off that point of no return, you need to prevent yourself from getting too aroused to quickly.

8.    Take it slow. When you actually start having sex, don't start jack-hammering right out of the gate. Be patient. Take your time. Start slow, and build up gradually. Most women respond better if you build up gradually to a climax, and this approach will also help you last longer in bed.

9.    Focus on her happiness. Stop thinking so much about yourself and when you're going to come, and you'll last longer in bed. Not only will you increase your stamina, but you'll make your sex more intimate and meaningful.

10.    Maintain a positive mindset. A lot of premature ejaculation problems stem from performance anxiety. A poor performance can lead to another performance, because you're worried about whether or not you're going to perform. Stop the domino effect and keep positive outlook. If you didn't have a great night, so what - at least you're having sex! Keep all of these other methods in mind, use them, and maintain a positive attitude. Imagine yourself lasting longer. If you employ these techniques, before you know it, you'll have more control than you ever believed was possible.