Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Seven Love Truths You Can Count On

Seven Love Truths You Can Count On. 

 Whether or not it can be accurately defined, and whether or not they show it, it's safe to say everybody wants to love and be loved. Here are some other facts about love: 

 1. We all want someone who will care about us and about whom we care. 
 2. We want to find and hold onto the one special someone who will stand by us, no matter what, and who will appreciate us for who we truly are.

 3. Knowing someone loves you, faults and all, is what allows you to dare to be yourself around that person and others as well. 

 4. Knowing you are loved gives you confidence to conquer fears and to reach new heights out in the world. 

 5. The desire for love motivates most of our behavior whether or not we are aware of it. In obvious ways, it makes us go out and seek a special partner or do special things for the one we've found. 
 6. Most of the pains and problems we experience can be traced to a lack of love.

 7. The love that exists is the love you create; it is always inside you regardless of whether you have a mate.